
Triumphant Cucumber

I planted three cucumber plants in the garden, and ended up with one good cucumber in the end. A triumphant cucumber.

Joaquin in a Winter Wonderland

I'm sure this already exists somewhere, but I had to do it.

Irresponsible Astronaut

That's a giant space crab monster, if you were wondering.

The Christmas Spirit

True story.

Kids Decorate

They grow up fast, and in other ways, not at all.

Mandalorian at Target

Everyone needs paper towels from time to time.

Thanksgiving Quarantine

Stay safe, y'all.

Tenacious Toast

A toast: "To bread!"

Horned Bunnies

It was something like this that caused me to leave my personal Facebook.

Scary Potato

Beware of Mr. Potatohead. And his mother.

Only Boring Things

This is a real conversation I had with my son.

Optimistic Pilot

This is how I felt after the election.

Give Me Cake

44 years,y'all.

Bad News Times

This is meant to be a place of joy, so I've held my tongue for a while. But I’m ready to speak again now.

Didactic Crow

No lives matter unless Black lives matter.

Tasteless Skeleton

Kids say the darndest things.

Finicky Blood

Somehow I never get around to donating.

Wise Apples

Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.

Giant Potato

At a certain point, kids learn a few phrases from their dads.

Second-hand Sugar

I had a lot of ideas for this, but this was the most family-friendly.

Embarrassing Shark

Looks can be deceiving.

Forbidden Room

One of these girls is sort of the Peppermint Patty type.

Classy Twist

I'm trying the #comictober challenge in Instragram. Today's word is "twist."

Salty Book

The Bible has salty stories, right?

Hazardous Duck

If only there was a word to tell some one to move their head real quick.

Malignant Misnomer

These are all essentially dad jokes.

Irate Beetle

I think this means that Paul McCartney is the ladybug.

Layered Lair

The real hordes are in office buildings, and guarded by more ferocious monsters than dragons.

Generous Robber

There's sort of a tacit agreement here about when Santa can help himself.

Vegan Zombie

Tofu brains.

Flabbergasted Mississippi

In case you haven't had enough 19th Century riverboat humor.

Gray Cowboy

I've seen one of these movies, the other I have not.

Apologetic Alpaca

If you search for appaca's on Google, you'll discover quickly that they are NOT llamas.

Cosmic Carrot

Enterprising vegetables.

Google Parrot

Imagine if pirates could rely on their parrots the way we rely on our smartphones.

Opportunistic Ostrich

I've learned that ostriches don't put their head in the sand because they are scared, they're actually tending to their burried eggs.

Sadistic Lamp

Of course, I understand now, but as a kid, I found it very distracting trying to figure out why the kept calling that gravy boat a lamp.

Doggy Device

Doggies can be distracted too.

Unhinged Unicorn

I interested in exploring how this unicorn deals with this loss.

Handsome Devil

I don't know if this is funny, but I think it's cute.

Crayon Queen

Often it's just easier to agree with a tyrant.

Clumsy Bloodsucker

Every occupation involves minor hazards.

Pretentious Insect

I'm guilty of this, from time to time.

Ironic Eggshells

Another shadow cast from the 20th Century.

Grammar Dog

I love a good grammar joke.

Parasitic Ice Cream

This ice cream cone is the most disturbing thing I've ever drawn.

Energetic Skeleton

When you're a mother, and your child is hurt, your immediate concern is for their well-being. When you're a father, your first thought is "How much is this going to cost?"

Corvid Connoisseur

I had never heard of a corvid until someone suggested this prompt, but apparently, during the pandemic, they're accidentally having a moment.

Homicidal Contraction

Humble Tombstone

What will they say about you when you die?

Impossible Rainbow

Mario Kart may have had some part in the inspiration of this one.

Tiny Negotiation

This little guy is becoming one of my favorite characters.

Galloping Cantaloupe

If you swap cantaloupe for coconut, you can trace a Monty Python allusion here.

Frantic Fox

Just because the world is on fire around you doens't mean you can't hold for a minute.

Punctual Panda

I'm annoyed by how much press pandas get.

Tired Door / Yawning Awning

Here's a reimagining of the first cartoon I drew that made a grown-up laugh. 30-35 years ago. . .

Postmodern Self-Defense

I've explained post-modernism several times. I'm not good at it. It's like irony: you know it when you see it.

Polite Spartan

Kind of like a Hampton Inn, but probably with a better breakfast.

Intermittent Faster

I could only keep this up for a few weeks.

Patient Assembly

Putting this together gave me more pride in this smoker.

Tactless Judge

This seems a little mean, but it's really a celebration of this girl's blind self-confidence.


A childhood friend of mine called this a "fat chance machine."

Obnoxious Rhinoceors

This is pretty much how I spent my Father's Day

Seasick Potato

When I don't have one good joke, how about three dad jokes.

Linen Labyrinth

Here's a twentith century memory.

Obnoxious Rhinoceros

Back in the '90s, when I couldn't think of something to draw, my friend Rob would randomly open the dictionary, blindly place his finger on the page, and call out the closest adjective. He'd repeat the process for a noun, and I would draw the result. "Obnoxious Rhinoceros" was the first combination I drew. For new illustrations, I prefer email suggestions, but often settle for a random word generator.